
Marion County Indiana Divorce

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Marion County Family Law Firm Advises Clients Of Their Divorce Options

Indiana Divorce Attorney Helps Client Resolve Issues and Stay out of Court

Divorces are typically painful, but they don’t need to be a nightmare. If you and your spouse are willing to try and work out your differences in a civil manner, you may be able to divorce and avoid court altogether through an uncontested divorce.

What’s an Uncontested Divorce?

In Indiana, uncontested divorces are also known as divorces with agreement on all issues. To obtain an uncontested divorce, you will need to agree on all issues, including:

  • Property division
  • Allocation of debt
  • Parenting time (non-custodial parent visitation)
  • Alimony
  • Child Support

If you and your spouse do not agree on any of the above issues, you are not realistic candidates for a divorce with agreement.

Advantages to an Uncontested Divorce

There are several advantages to a divorce with agreement, such as:

  • Less expensive
  • Less traumatic
  • Can be obtained whether or not you have children

When you and your spouse agree on some but not all major issues, another alternative to a contested divorce is a bifurcated divorce. In a bifurcated divorce, you write out your partial agreement and present it to the court. While you’ll be required to attend a hearing to try and resolve the contested issues, the court will also issue a summary disposition order that documents the partial agreement. Even if you still have to go to court, a bifurcated divorce will allow you to save time and money by avoiding a full-blown trial.

If you are going through a divorce in Marion County, Indiana and are looking for experienced legal representation, contact Vanessa López Aguilera online or call (317) 634-9484.

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