
Hendricks County Indiana Child Custody and Support

Home/Hendricks County Indiana Child Custody and Support

Hendricks County Family Law Attorney Proficient With Child Custody And Support Matters

Indiana Child Custody and Support Law Firm Helps Resolve Disputes

Child support is designed to provide children of divorced parents ongoing financial support so that their needs will continue to be met, even though their parents are no longer married to each other.

Child Custody

In Indiana, the distinction between sole and legal custody is critical. A joint custody award means that the parents will share custody, but a sole custody award means that one parent will be given all or most rights. It is not necessary to go to court to resolve a custody issue, and many parents are able to work out a settlement through alternative measures, such as mediation.

When making custody decisions, judges will sometimes request input from neutral outside individuals, like private evaluators, court-appointed guardians, and social services agencies. They can also order counseling for children who are struggling.

Child Support

In Indiana, child support is meant to cover a child’s day-to-day living expenses, such as food, clothing, and housing. It can also be used to cover reasonable and necessary expenses including tuition for private or special schools, college, and trade, business, or technical schools to help meet a child’s educational needs.

The cost of the child’s medical care is also included in the overall child support order, and Indiana judges are required to order one or both parents to provide health care insurance if it is available at a reasonable cost. This is defined at no more than five percent of the weekly gross income of the parent who is required to pay child support. If the parents are not able to afford private medical coverage, they are required to pay cash medical support instead.

Are you and your spouse in Hendricks County, Indiana unable to resolve issues regarding child custody and support? Vanessa López Aguilera is a compassionate and competent family law attorney who can help you work toward an agreement. Contact us online or call (317) 634-9484 to schedule an initial consultation.


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